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Read about Okinawa Coral Calcium.

Would you like to live as long and healthy as the worlds' oldest living man?
An incredible health secret is revealed here.

Do you have enough calcium in your diet? The body's best building block is now in its easiest to assimilate form! Coral calcium can give your water a perfect pH balance while supplying the basic ingredient for the rejuvenation of your body. Defy arthritis, osteoporosis, fatigue, insomnia, nerves, and lack of mobility.

You have probably heard of many of the benefits of taking calcium, but like me have wondered what kind of calcium is best or usable by your body. Here is some information that can change your life and certainly your health.

You may also have heard about the worlds oldest living person. His name was Shigechiyo Izumi, interviewed at a sprightly 115 by a journalist from the Guinness Book of Records on an island off the coast of Okinawa, Japan. The journalist noticed that most of the islanders were in ridiculously good health and seldom died before age 95.

He persuaded Mr. Izumi to submit to a medical check-up. The results were fantastic. How could a person of his age possibly be so healthy? A team of researchers came to the islands to answer this question.

After further investigation, the journalist found that all of the inhabitants of the island enjoyed the same good health and longevity. After returning from Okinawa and sharing his findings with those in the medical field, a team of researchers set out to try and determine what was keeping these people in such incredible health. What was the common denominator?

They found the water that the islanders drank was different from water found anywhere else in the world. These islands were built up over the years from coral reefs. When rain falls on the islands it percolates coral deposits and picks up minerals and other elements that make it truly unique. Not only did it contain many essential minerals that made very similar chemically to the elements found in the human skeleton and body fluids, the amniotic fluid, and blood, but it also was very alkaline, with a pH of 8.6. Maintaining an alkaline pH is critical to cellular health, as we live and die at the cellular level.

If the common denominator for the islanders was they all drank the water, the link was simple. Drinking water with a high pH factor, combined with minerals and other elements, provided their bodies with the natural ability to fight off disease.

The puzzle was now complete. The islanders were free of disease and lived longer because their bodies were always at an optimum alkaline level due to the coral calcium that was naturally added to their water.

After years of research, it was found that just a small amount of these special coral sands added to just about any liquid would bring it into pH balance. Further, they found that it also neutralized any waste products present in water and added a number of of important substances removed during treatment or treating. Even water of poor quality that contained impurities such as bacteria, algae, heavy metals, fluoride, and chloroform left over from the treatment process, representing considerable health hazards, could also be brought into balance. Poor quality water may have been acidified by bacteria, algae, chloroform (from chlorination), nitrates and dangerous heavy metals, for example cadmium and aluminum. These pollutants may come from factory discharges, agriculture, sewer pipes, water mains and acid rain.

How Coral water works...

  • Raises drinking water's pH to approximately 8.5 regardless of previous quality.
  • Binds heavy metals.
  • Removes chlorine.
  • Hinders growth of bacteria.
  • Adds ionic coral calcium and essential minerals to water.

Fact: If your body's pH is not balanced, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements.

Fact: There is more calcium in the body than any other mineral. 20% of an adults bone calcium is reabsorbed and replaced every year.

What Okinawa Coral Calcium can do...

  • Maintain optimum alkalinity for optimum health
  • Provide you easily absorbed and usable calcium
  • Cleanse the kidneys, intestines and liver
  • Maintain stronger bones and healthier teeth
  • Alleviate insomnia
  • Keep your heart beating regularly
  • Help metabolize your body's iron
  • Aid your nervous system
  • Breakdown heavy metals and drug residues in your body
  • Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness
  • Achieve a healthy alkaline level, neutralizing acid
  • Protect your body from free radical damage
  • Control digestive problems
  • Increase muscle and joint mobility
  • Combat arthritic conditions and heart disease
  • Regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure
  • What Okinawa Coral Calcium contains

Okinawa Coral Calcium contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, essential trace minerals and many other microscopic elements essential to human life. In addition, it contains antioxidants known to help protect the body from free radical damage. These minerals and elements become ionic in water and are promptly bio available to the cells. This was a major discovery due to the importance of calcium in the body. It is scientifically documented that up to 150 diseases are related to calcium deficiency. For this reason, it is often called the "king of minerals". But in order for calcium to do its work, the body must convert it to an ionic form. That problem is solved as the coral calcium becomes ionic immediately in water for use by the body. The body is simply able to absorb and use this calcium and these minerals to a much greater degree.

Over 4 million Japanese use the product daily. In the U.S. today there are only 250,000 users of Coral Calcium. It is projected that there will be between 10-20 million users in the U.S. by 2002.

Scientists have discovered that a low level of oxygen in the body can disrupt the body's ability to function normally and at the same time can severely cripple the immune system, leaving your body vulnerable to disease and premature aging.

Coral calcium greatly increases the oxygen level in the body, thereby allowing the body to rid itself of toxic waste that continues to build up. That's why when you indulge yourself in "junk food" the body diverts oxygen away from the primary metabolic functions and works overtime trying to digest your high caloric intake. That's why when you eat junk food or large meals you feel sluggish afterwards. Your body literally slows down its metabolism to compensate for the overload.

Is your body oxygen poor? Here are a few signs to look for:

  • Muscle aches
  • Poor digestion
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Acid stomach
  • Irritability
pH: What does it mean? pH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen. The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic.

Coral calcium doesn't cure disease. It simply keeps the pH level of our body fluids in sync so the body fights disease naturally, like it was meant to. The following list will help you determine what your level of acidity (pH) may be. Symptoms are divided into categories ranging from beginning to advanced. Please note this is a partial list due to the number of symptoms in each category. This information was taken directly from Dr. Baroody's book, Alkalize or Die.

Beginning Symptoms Intermediate Symptoms Advanced Symptoms
Acne Cold sores Crohn's disease
Panic attacks Depression Learning disabled
Lack of sex drive Migraine headaches Multiple Sclerosis
Cold hands and feet Asthma Leukemia
Food allergies Hives Cancer (all forms)
Agitation Swelling Hodgkin's Disease
Bloating Urinary infection Schizophrenia
Mild headaches Colitis Tuberculosis
Rapid panting breath Excessive falling hair Lupus
Hard to get up in the morning Stuttering Rheumatoid arthritis
  Numbness and tingling  
  Fungal infections  


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